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Student Learning Objective:
  • Students will be able to use previous material, i.e. greetings, the verb "ser," and description words, in conjunction with subject pronouns. 

  • Students will be able to identify and use subject pronouns in Spanish.

  • Students will be able to define and identify verbs in Spanish.

  • Students will be able to properly use subject pronouns with conjugated regular -AR verbs, in Spanish, in order to identify and articulate who is completing an action.




¿Pa qué esperas? / Daily Warm-Up

Escriben CINCO frases en Español. Usan el formato: Subject Pronoun + verb + object/description.
Por ejemplo:
Yo soy baja.
Ella tiene el libro.
Finalmente, traducen los cinco frases de Español a Inglés.
Por ejemplo:
Yo soy baja = I am short.
Ella tiene el libro = She has the book.





Before you get started, here are some questions to think about on your own. Please write your answers in your online Google Journal:

1. What is an infinitive in Spanish and how do we know that it is an infinitive?
2. Can you list at least two -AR verbs from the “conjugation back” video that you watched last lesson?
3. How can we identify verbs in Spanish? What clues help us determine if a word is a verb or not?
4. Specifically, what are -AR verbs? Why do you think they’re called that?
5. Do you believe all -AR verbs have similarities between them? Think back to the “conjugation back” video if you need help.





Los Verbos Regulares -AR

For this lesson, please complete the following steps:



Guided Notes:

  • Now that you have considered some important questions that we will soon address together in class, I ask that you fill out this worksheet in your online Google Journal, which serves as guided notes for the following Screencast.

  • You must fill in these notes and have them ready to be checked the next time that we meet in class.

  • If you have any questions, please mark or star the number that you have a question on and we will address it in class.

  • Or, you may post your question in the discussion forum below and I, or one of your peers, will be happy to help.


-AR Verb Guided Notes




  • Please use the Screencast below to help you complete your guided notes.

  • You do not have to keep this Screencast but please feel free to save it to your class folder and go through it as many times as needed.


-AR Verbs Screencast



























  • In addition, I've attached the PowerPoint that I go through in the Screencast so that you can go through this as many times as you need to in case the Screencast moves too quickly for you.

  • Please feel free to save this to your class folder as well.


Los Verbos Regulares -AR





Supplemental YouTube video:

  • This video is a review of -AR verb conjugations that you just learned about.

  • Please watch this video, at least twice, so that you can get a different perspective of the material being presented.

  • You must practice along with the video and when the presenter asks his viewers to translate the given sentences into English, you must write their translations in your online Google Journals.

    • There are 7 sentences total that you must translate into English.

    • Next, while watching the same video, you must similarly translate the sentences from English to Spanish. There are 10 sentences that you need to translate. You may not know all of the words in the sentence but you should translate as much as you can, focusing on the verbs and the subjects (who is completing the action).


01024 Spanish Lesson - Present Tense - AR verbs: all forms




























Supplemental song:

  • This review is presented in the form of a song to the tune of "Bingo" but of course you don't have to sing it--it's just a good way to help you memorize and remember how to conjugate -AR verbs.


Present Tense -AR Verbs Made Easy with a Song in Spanish!




























Practice: -AR verb practice

Part 1

  • For this task, you will need access to your class textbook, Avancemos, pg. 97-98.

  • I ask that you fill out the worksheet in your online Google Journals, which will serve as your in-class work the next time we meet in person.

  • However, I do expect you to finish this before we meet next.

  • At the beginning of class, I will be checking your worksheet to see how much you were able to accomplish using the above resources and the textbook.

  • Please mark any areas that you have questions on so that we can address these together in class.


Here is the printout of the worksheet if you would like to have a physical copy as well. However, you MUST fill out the worksheet in your online Google Journals:


Regular -AR verb Practice




Part 2

  • You will need to print off this worksheet "AR verb Excercises" which will serve as your in-class work the next time we meet in person.

  • However, I do expect you to finish this before we meet next.

  • At the beginning of class, I will be checking your worksheet to see how much you were able to accomplish using the above resources and the textbook.

  • Please mark any areas that you have questions on so that we can address these together in class.


AR Verb Exercises





Post in the Comments

  • You will need to use the comments section below for this part of your assignment. However, I ask that you ALSO write your two sentences in your online journal as well as a backup. 

  • Using your subject pronouns, and your newly acquired knowledge about how to conjugate regular -AR verbs:

    • Write TWO sentences in the comments section using the following format: Subject Pronoun + -AR Verb.

    • For example: Yo bailo. Ellos cantan. Tú practicas.

    • You may not use the exact above examples for your two entries, but please use those examples to help you write your own TWO sentences in the comments section below.

    • You also need to write out the subject pronouns below your sentences along with their English translation so I, and your peers, can identify the subject pronouns easily: Yo = I, Ellos = They, Tú = You (informal).

    • In addition, please write out what the entire phrase means as well so we can properly identify the correct use of the verb.

    • This is how your post should look:

      • Sentences:

        • ​Yo bailo.

        • Ellos cantan.

      • Subject Pronouns:

        • ​Yo = I

        • Ellos = They (all male or group of males and females)

      • Meaning:

        • ​Yo bailo = I dance.

        • Ellos cantan = They sing.

    • If you have any questions or need help with writing your sentences, please post that in the comments section below as well.




Summative Assessment

  • You will need to complete Entry #1 in your online "About Me" journal.

  • All writing should be kept in this online journal so that I can provide timely and efficient feedback before you submit your final entries.

  • You will also have a writing quiz the next time we meet face-to-face, similar to Part 2 of this writing prompt. You will need to write 10 sentences using subject pronouns, properly conjugated -AR verbs, and you will also need to be able to translate these sentences. I will be providing you with the 10 verbs that you must use in order to complete this therefore you will not be able to prepare your 10 sentences ahead of time.  





Please email me at if you have any questions or feel free to post questions in the comments section below!

Lección 3: Los Verbos Regulares -AR

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